🍦Vaccine velocity vexations - D for dismal, Johnnies in middies out, ditch the pillow...
🍦Let them eat crab cakes - Saint Monica, 20 good things, mugshots get sentenced...
🍦Potential inconsistencies - Local brew, rock my socks, predictive policing...
🍦A most unlikely savior - Start sticking, Robin Hood story, boisterous frolicking...
🍦Selective interpretation - Bye bye Bayhawks, howdy chief, biggest project ever...
🍦Avocado toast - Out-Griswolded, virtual snow day, two weeks and counting...
🍦Save our restaurants - Revised restrictions, let them eat cake, tradition lives on...
🍦15 bullets - So many holiday markets, expanding and rebranding, drive-in ballet...