February 22, 2023
Ryan Sneddon
There are many children's books trying to do some good in this world. Some teach kids how to eat healthy. Others teach them to dream big. For one that teaches them to be comfortable in their own skin, look no further than The Breakfast Squad.
Eggleton is the leader of said squad. But things aren't going well. So he has to convene an emergency meeting. Patty and Link, the sibling sausage duo, are in a fight. Who's the more popular shape of sausage? Baconator—ironically the most popular breakfast meat—has an idea to solve the problem. But will it work?
It's tempting for children's authors to take the easy way out. Complex plot lines aren't essential when your main audience can't tie their shoes. Kirsten Durkee didn't. I must admit... even as an adult, I guessed the ending wrong. It was a brilliant twist.
Kirsten's message is clear. It's what's inside that matters. Not popularity, looks, or achievement. She conveys it in a way that doesn't feel forced. No small task in our hyper-sensitised world.
The Breakfast Squad is a winner. Here's hoping it inspires generations of kind, confident, and loving kids.
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